Stainless steel is popular for its durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal. It is widely used in various industries, including construction, automotive, aerospace, and kitchenware manufacturing. When it comes to cutting stainless steel, different materials are employed depending on the cutting method used. Let’s explore the common materials used in stainless steel cutting service and their applications.

Abrasive cutting discs:

Abrasive cutting discs, or grinding wheels, are commonly used in handheld grinders and chop saws to cut stainless steel. These discs are made from a composite material of abrasive particles (such as aluminum oxide or silicon carbide) bonded with a resin or ceramic material. The abrasive particles wear away the stainless steel, creating the cut. Abrasive cutting discs are suitable for thin to medium thicknesses of stainless steel.

Carbide tipped blades:

Carbide-tipped blades are commonly used in circular, miter, and table saws to cut stainless steel. These blades feature small cutting teeth made from hard and durable carbide. Carbide-tipped blades are designed to withstand the high hardness of stainless steel and provide clean and precise cuts. They are ideal for cutting thicker stainless steel sections and offer extended blade life.

High- speed steel (HSS) blades:

High-speed steel (HSS) blades are another material option for cutting stainless steel. HSS blades are made from tool steel with high carbon content and other alloying elements like tungsten, chromium, and vanadium. These blades are known for their heat resistance and hardness, making them suitable for cutting stainless steel. HSS blades are commonly used in band saws and effectively cut thick stainless steel sections.

Waterjet cutting:

In waterjet cutting, a high-pressure stream of water mixed with abrasive particles erodes and cuts through stainless steel. Waterjet cutting is a versatile method that can handle various materials, including stainless steel. The abrasive particles added to the waterjet stream enhance the cutting ability and efficiency. The waterjet stream provides a cold-cutting process, minimizing heat-affected zones and ensuring high-quality cuts.

Laser cutting:

Laser cutting is a precise and efficient method used to cut stainless steel. It uses a high-powered laser beam that melts and vaporizes the stainless steel, creating a clean and accurate cut. The laser beam is generated by a resonator and directed through a series of mirrors to the cutting head. Laser cutting is suitable for thin to medium thicknesses of stainless steel and offers high cutting speeds and intricate cutting capabilities.